The 2015 Muscat Hills Golf and Country Club Captains were elected by Muscat Hill’s Members in December 2014. The two elected members were Russel Sephton as Men’s Captain and Su Pattison as Ladies Captain.
Russel has been playing for 31 years and feels there has been little improvement!! He started playing golf in Mutare Zimbabwe in 1983 'At the time I was running a structural office and found that none of my clients or Architects were available on Wednesday afternoons. I eventually found out they were all on the golf course or playing tennis so business needs made me join!' says Russel. He started playing at Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club 4 years ago, ever since they moved the club house from the 4th green...he is hoping why he is Captain this year we may move again!
Su has been playing golf ever since she was 8 years old and she says 'Extraodinary that I still at the very best play very average!' Su has been a member of Muscat Golf & Country Club since it opened in 2009 she too is hoping to see the new Clubhouse opening in 2015. Su thinks golf is a wonderful, sociable sport and is looking forward to encouraging others.
Russel Sephton Mens’ Captain – Mission Statement for 2015
Coming soon............
Su Pattison, Lady Captain – Mission Statement for 2015
Coming soon.....
Member's Survey Results 2013